Phoenix's Story

"At home, it's just me, my parents, and my sister. I'm normally quite happy, and I can talk to my Mum and Dad about anything. They really get me, which helps a lot because although I’m usually ok, I really hate crowded places and loud noises. I can feel pretty down about making mistakes too but they know about everything and are really supportive.

Back in primary school, I had some help for my anxiety and worries, and that was really good. Now I'm in secondary school, things are okay, but I still worry sometimes, especially about school and math. Spending time with my friends and other school kids can be tough. If I say something wrong, it repeats in my head, making me feel bad about the smallest things. It's frustrating, and sometimes stops me from meeting new people and doing my best.

So, there's this cool mobile game called Lumi Nova that my Dad heard about from school. He thought it could help me with some of my worries. When I first saw it, I thought the graphics were simple but cool, and it was easy to use.

I thought I’d give it a go, and decided to tackle my first goal in the game: 'be able to sleep away from home overnight.' There was a sleepover with my cousin coming up, and sometimes I feel sick in the stomach when I go there. They live far away, and that makes me a bit anxious. My Dad thought it was a good way for me to practice what I learned in a supportive space away from home.

The first challenge in Lumi Nova was to imagine sleeping away from home. I used the tips to help me picture it and even tried slow breathing practice. I liked that the game gave suggestions but it was up to me. It felt more like, 'You might like to do it this way.’ so I gave it a go.

I felt a change almost straight away. I went through what the game told me to do, imagined sleeping at my cousin's, calmed myself down, and managed to get through it. It was really nice, even though I felt a bit worried. My Dad told me he noticed some changes too. I packed for the sleepover, and I was excited to go without my usual anxiety. I checked in with my parents but only once, and that was it.

I didn’t always have time to play the game during the summer holidays, but we made sure to set aside some time and with some dedication, I completed all the challenges and reached my goal. I feel more independent now. I'm a lot more confident doing things out of my comfort zone. Even during the summer, I went on holiday and did this glider thing, imagining it helped me through it.

My Dad agrees that there's a difference too. I feel happier, more talkative, and although I still love games I don’t feel like I have to hide behind a device. It's cool because my Dad loves talking to me, and now I'm all ears anytime he wants to chat!”

Please note Lumi Nova is aimed at Children aged 7-12.